Temporomandibular disorder (TMD)

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) describes a malfunction of the connection between the skull and lower jaw, which can result in a variety of complaints. Patients with TMD often suffer from earaches, headaches, neck pain and jaw pain. Toothache, tinnitus, migraines, changes in voice pitch, teeth grinding and teeth clenching are also not uncommon. These symptoms are often accompanied by stress, which can be both a cause and a consequence of TMD.

The effects of TMD are not limited to physical symptoms; the disorder can also cause considerable psychological stress. Those affected often report poor concentration, brain fog, sleep disorders and generally reduced performance. These psychological impairments can have a major impact on patients’ everyday lives and reduce their quality of life.

Experience shows that many patients with TMD have a long history of suffering and often search in vain for many years for effective treatment. Close collaboration with dentists and orthodontists is therefore essential to ensure a holistic approach and treatment of TMD.

Anatomically speaking, the temporomandibular joint is located at the same level as the joint where the first cervical vertebra attaches to the skull. This region is particularly critical as it is central to the freedom of movement of the head and neck. Long-term stress or incorrect loading in this area can lead to chains of disorders that run through the entire body and can have far-reaching effects.

Interestingly, there is also a connection between the jaw and the pelvis. Dysfunctions in the jaw can affect the position of the pelvis and vice versa. This biomechanical link emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach in the diagnosis and treatment of TMD, taking into account not only the jaw but the entire body.

The treatment of TMD therefore requires a comprehensive diagnosis and an interdisciplinary therapeutic approach that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of the dysfunction. Such a holistic approach can effectively help patients to alleviate their symptoms and significantly improve their quality of life.

Treatment procedure


Medical history







Frequently asked questions about osteopathy for TMD

TMD refers to a dysfunction between the skull and the lower jaw. This malfunction can lead to a variety of symptoms, including pain in the jaw, neck, teeth and head, as well as tinnitus, migraines and problems with the pitch of the voice.

Typical symptoms of TMD include earache, headache, neck pain, jaw pain, toothache, tinnitus, migraine, changes in voice pitch, teeth grinding and teeth clenching. These complaints can be accompanied by stress or intensify it.

TMD can cause considerable psychological stress, including difficulty concentrating, brain fog, sleep disorders and reduced performance. These psychological effects can significantly impair the quality of life of those affected.

Because TMD affects the jaw region, close collaboration with dentists and orthodontists is crucial to ensure comprehensive and effective treatment. These specialists can identify and treat structural problems that contribute to TMD.

The temporomandibular joint is located at the same level as the joint that connects the first cervical vertebra to the skull. Problems in this area can cause chains of disorders throughout the body and therefore require special attention.

There is a biomechanical connection between the jaw and the pelvis. Dysfunctions in the jaw can affect the position of the pelvis and vice versa, which underlines the need for a holistic approach to treatment.

The treatment of TMD requires an interdisciplinary approach that takes into account both the physical and psychological aspects of the disorder. This can include manual therapies, jaw alignment adjustments, pain management, stress reduction techniques and psychological support if necessary.

Treatment costs

130,00 €
Duration time 50-60 minutes

Flexible treatment times

A 90 or 120 minute treatment can also be arranged on request

Cancellation of appointment

Please cancel your appointment at least 24 hours in advance. For organizational and economic reasons, I will otherwise have to charge you for the appointment.

Health insurance approval

Due to my full-time training with 4264 teaching hours, many health insurance companies subsidize the treatment costs. Some private health insurance companies and supplementary health insurance companies even cover the costs in full.

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